Acne Treatment
Acne-Ltd III is an acne treatment that reduces acne pimples, papules, and pustules without the negative side effects of antibiotics or medications. Most acne patients will notice an improvement in the appearance of their acne skin within 5 to 7 days but will always have very noticeable changes well within 2 to 3 weeks after starting Acne-Ltd III. The negative effects brought on by the mainstay of Accutane, antibiotics, or retinoid acne medications have been very detrimental. With Acne-Ltd III, the patient can avoid using these products to treat their acne. If you would like, take a photograph of yourself so you can compare the difference 'before' and 'after' beginning the use of Acne-Ltd III. We believe you will be quite pleased at the difference. We have found the two-disk system to be most beneficial with the light tan application used during the day (as shown in the picture) and the yellow application used at night. The color of the disk is indicative of the ingredients in the disk with the "color being invisible" on the skin. Acne-Ltd III users confirm that Acne-Ltd III will improve the beauty of skin where acne pimples, facial redness (erythema) and pustules previously existed. "The only thing you can lose is your acne" as our refund policy is wonderful with our 120 day refund within 120 days of use for any reason or no reason.
What is Acne-Ltd III
Acne-Ltd III is made by all natural minerals and then compressed together to make an extremely smooth disk that can be used all over the face and anywhere else the acne may be located at. Acne-Ltd III is what the body needs to help combat acne. With the all natural ingredients such as: zinc oxide, magnesium stearate, sodium chloride and many more are known to help eliminate acne and acne causing bacteria.
Your past medication experience may not have produced the results you desired!
Many existing acne patients have been frustrated for many years with unsuccessful or marginal results from other acne products. Many of you will note that prescribed acne medications such as steroids, retinoids, accutane, and various acne laser treatments do not work for you and may have caused additional damage to your skin. Oral and topical antibiotics can work for up to several weeks before the bacteria become immune to the antibiotic, causing the antibiotic to no longer be effective. Some of the acne products you may have used in the past can also lead to a condition known as acne rosacea.
Compare your past Acne Treatment with Acne-Ltd III
- Was invented by a team of Acne Researchers with 52 years of collective research led by a Johns Hopkins MD with continuing training at Harvard Medical Center - Beth Israel Deaconess & Massachusetts General, and the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia.
- Acne-Ltd has been on the market since 1997, and Bass & Boney Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has been in business since 1983.
- Acne-Ltd III has acne medical patents throughout the world.
- Acne-Ltd III can be sold and mailed to any country of the world.
- Acne-Ltd III offers a 120-day unconditional 100% refund. No reason has to be provided for a full refund.
- Has a low cost of $98.00 for a 12 month supply or $0.24 per day, including shipping and handling with delivery to your home or office in 2-3 days in the U.S. International Customers Only: pricing still reasonably at $130.00 which includes Federal Express Shipping and will normally arrive within 2-3 days in most countries. No more time wasted in the doctor's office or pharmacy as your time, comfort, & satisfaction is valuable.
- Acne-Ltd III does not cause sun sensitivity, redness, nor any other side effect.
- Acne-Ltd III is Made in USA, vegan and never tested on animals
- Veteran Owned
All U.S. orders are mailed no later than the following business day by U.S. Priority Mail with DELIVERY CONFIRMATION TRACKING and are received within 2 to 3 postal days. International orders for Acne-Ltd III are mailed Federal Express and are usually received within 2 to 3 days worldwide. If your package has not been received in the appropriate times listed above, please e-mail us and we will "track it" through the United States Postal computer system and notify you of the status of the order.

Both a tan and a yellow Acne-Ltd III disk will be mailed in separate plastic shipping containers. Together, they normally last 12 months. Acne-Ltd III is discreetly packaged for your privacy.
If you have not seen results that you had hoped for, simply return unused portion of Acne-Ltd & your Letter of Instruction (with name, address and date of purchase) which provides all of the information to make your refund. The refund will be made the day of receipt by the same method that you paid.
Ordering Acne-Ltd III
Ordering Acne-Ltd III can most easily be accomplished 24 hours a day through our secure internet order page (or you may use your PayPal instead of your credit card) as the simplest and fastest methods of ordering via the internet. The Acne-Ltd III ordering form containing all information is located on top of each page. If after reviewing the extensive information on these pages you are unable to find the answer to your questions concerning Acne-Ltd III, please contact us at with 'acne' in the subject line.
What is Acne?
Acne is caused by three main factors. Abnormal keratinization of the lining of the sebaceous gland caused by androgen stimulation, resulting in plugging of the gland; Increased production of sebum by the sebaceous gland due to androgen stimulation; A bacterium Propionibacterium proliferates within the gland and modifies the sebum. Propionibacterium is a bacterium normally found on the skin.
Acne is influenced by many more factors. Hormones play a part in the production of conditions which can promote the occurrence of acne. Over use or abuse of acne treatments themselves can cause a worsening of acne. Makeup applied to the skin can in some instances cause conditions leading to the symptoms of acne. Diet, while not normally thought to be a cause of acne, can in fact lead to a pH imbalance in the body and the body's largest organ, the skin will also be affected. Hair spray, gels and conditioners can clog the pores along the hair line leading to acne pimples.
An effective acne treatment must begin with an understanding of what causes or influences acne pimples. Effective skin care for acne must address the issues related to formation and production of pimples. The symptoms and appearance of Acne can be controlled. The treatment of acne calls for some self-discipline and willingness to change, and an understanding of the causes of acne.
Learn more about acne and acne treatment on our lifestyle changes page. There you will find the aim of acne treatment is to reduce pimples, adult acne, acne rosacea, cystic acne, acne vulgaris, and other acne types.
Many of you will note that the double blind acne clinical trials on prescription medications such as antibiotics, retinoids, Accutane, acne home remedies and various acne laser treatments do not work for you, but actually cause skin damage and may lead to a condition referred to as acne rosacea and also known as adult acne. The oral and topical antibiotics can work for up to several months before the bacteria become immune to the antibiotic, causing the antibiotic to no longer be effective. Most customers notice that they are much happier with their skin within a couple of days and always well within two to three weeks after starting Acne-Ltd III. Acne-Ltd III is our third generation of the Acne-Ltd product line. Many harsh acne products can be one of the causes of a more serious skin disorder called rosacea.
Bookmark this site by clicking on the "Favorites" (gold star at the top and second line on most computers). Ask or tell your doctor about Acne-Ltd III. Likewise, those with advanced 'acne rosacea', ocular rosacea and facial rosacea may wish to learn from our Rosacea-Ltd III web site. Rosacea-Ltd III effectively improves the appearance of rosacea symptoms.