Acne Lifestyle Changes to Improve Acne

When choosing a treatment for your acne condition, it is important to know about acne treatment lifestyle changes. A wide range of lifestyle changes can give you control over your acne. The goal of an effective acne treatment is to reduce pimples, adult acne, acne rosacea, cystic acne, acne vulgaris, and other acne types.

It is important in the treatment of acne to treat your whole self in as many ways as possible. For the vast majority of people with acne, effective treatment includes lifestyle changes that can help minimize symptoms, reduce inflammation, and maintain normal bodily functions. If you change your lifestyle and the foods you eat, you then will reduce your stress level, you'll be even happier with Acne-Ltd III.

When the body becomes stressed, the adrenal cortex converts adrenal androgens to testosterone in BOTH men and women, resulting in over active sebaceous glands. The ovaries produce 25% of the testosterone while 75% is converted from adrenal androgens in the normal female. Women only have 10% of the testosterone that men have. Men have thicker skin and muscles than women and can handle much more testosterone obviously. When the male or female body is stressed, the adrenal androgen conversion can almost double the testosterone in both men and women. This causes the T zone of the face to be oily, while other areas are still dry from dehydration. Adult acne and rosacea are sometimes a by-product of stress and/or dehydration. Water and estrogen calm the "body's stress alarm system". The most important element of acne treatment is to keep the skin (body) hydrated. Water is a most important acne treatment in that it is alkaline (pH 7.3) and can be considered a natural treatment or an almost free acne treatment.

The following items affect some people more than others; however, if you try to follow them as closely as possible, you'll get better results.

1. Drink More Water

Drink at least eight glasses of ice-cold water per day (10 to 12 is better) to assist your body in getting rid of waste, oil and toxins. Drinking water also helps moisten your skin, which keeps your pores from clogging. Most importantly, water helps relieve stress and relax your body so you can sleep better. Water and sleep help to reduce stress. When the body becomes stressed from many causes, even dehydration, the adrenal cortex (the adrenal gland sits directly on top of the kidneys and consists of 2 separate organs, the cortex and the medulla) converts adrenaline to testosterone in both men and women, resulting in overactive sebaceous glands. This causes the T zone of the face to be oily, while other areas are still dry from dehydration. Adult acne is sometimes partially a by-product of stress or dehydration. Water calms the "body's stress alarm system." Reduce coffees, soft drinks, teas and alcohols as much as possible as they are partial diuretic in that they push more water out of the body cell than they put in.

2. Avoid Astringents

Astringent soaps and astringent shrink pores and should be avoided as the pores are restricted with resulting clogged pores and more acne.

3. Avoid Stimulants

Stimulants, like cigarettes, coffee, soda, and tea should be avoided. These stimulants affects the central nervous system to provide a stimulant for the entire body. The result is more redness of the face or flushing and more sebacous oil to potentially cause more acne. Try to minimize the stimulants by performing a few minutes of exercise early in the morning upon awakening and decreasing stimulants.

4.Improve Your Diet

It is well-established by many dermatologists and patients that diet affects acne. Try to eat foods as low in fat as possible. Fatty foods are acidic and disrupt the natural pH balance of your body. You can offset acids with alkaline foods, primarily fresh fruits and vegetables. For more information about alkaline diet and a table of acid and alkaline foods. There you will find valuable information about how a good alkaline diet can help your body heal and increase longevity.

5. Avoid Alcohol

You might think of alcohol as a way to relax and relieve stress, but it may worsen acne. Alcohol is an astringent that shrinks the skin pores making it more difficult for the oil to flow out with the result of more clogged pores with acne and maybe blackhead. Also, many patients realize that sleep is not as sound or as deep sleep with better REM or rapid eye movement. The result is less sleep and more fatigue in the morning requiring more coffee, etc. to get the day going. If you drink, do it early after work and drink more water, juices, etc. to dilute the effect of alcohol drink after 7:00 or 8:00 PM.

6. Avoid Hot Baths

You should avoid hot baths and simply use bath or showers at less than your body temperature of 98.5 degrees or less. Be gentle with your skin while bath as the natural barrier will be damaged that can cause more acne. Also, don't spend too much time in the bath or shower (to the point where your fingers start to look and feel like prunes), as this will dehydrate your skin.

7. Use Gentle Soaps

After receiving Acne-Ltd III, it is best to read through the Letter of Instructions after work in the evening, wash your face with one of the following soap: Neutrogena (transparent facial bar) "dry skin formula - fragrance free" or the Dove "normal white bar" as all of these are inexpensive, easy to find and wonderful for the acne prone skin.

8. Avoid Sun Exposure

Avoid the sun as much as possible. The sun does kill bacteria, but it also acts as an astringent to tighten, dry, and clog your skin's pores. Avoid extremely cold weather as well, so you don't freeze and clog pores. Moisturizing your face and body and staying in temperatures ranging from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal.

9. Reduce Stress

Reduce stress in your life. Allow as much time for tasks as possible to avoid time-pressured periods. Sleep seven hours or more per night so you can be alert during the day without a stimulant, like caffeine.

10. Avoid Hot Foods and Drinks

Avoid all hot foods and drinks until they have cooled to body temperature. Spicy-hot foods, too, can worsen acne.

11. Exercise for Stress Reduction

Exercise for stress reduction by making exercise fun without fatiguing your body and energy. Always stay areobic (with oxygen). It is best to avoid the hot runs or jogs during the summer and likewise the cold winter days unless you can exercise outside when the temperature is 50 degrees or higher. Likewise try to exercise in your air conditoned home or gym as much as possible. Make your exercise a 'mental stimulant' that is always enjoyable by doing various exercises.

12. Change Wash Cloths and Body Towels

Try to change body towels and wash cloths after use so that you feel psychologically more fresh while reducing the chance of bacteria transfer back to your skin. You may use white towels and wash cloths often as it is easier to bleach them with a small amount of Clorex to kill bacteria. Likewise, with peronal undergarments to change daily and wash after use daily.

13. Apply Moisturizers

Moisturizers should be applied to dry skin to help prevent the oil glands from getting clogged due to the dryness and resulting constriction of the pores. You will find that 100% pure Jojoba oil which normally can be found at natural health food, GNC stores and some supermarket. Use the Jojoba oil as described in your letter of instructions.

Online Resources for Acne

The following sites permit you to learn more about acne. Some of them provide medical information. On others, acne patients describe their own experiences with various treatments.